Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's not about me

When you're as single as I am, being in a good dating pool really matters. And let's just say that St. George is both literally and metaphorically a dried up, barren waste land with *cruddy pools.

*The pools get significantly cruddier once you turn older than 25.

I've been here for a few years now, and I have been thinking lately about working up the courage to make a change in my location and try somewhere new. But where?... Provo? Logan? Arizona? DC? I kept thinking and praying about where to be, but all the while, nothing really felt like "yes, this is the thing". I felt that perhaps all of the options could be good and that's why there was no definite answer. Or maybe "the thing" hadn't presented itself yet and I needed to keep looking at other possibilities.

Well "the thing" came up this morning when Bishop asked me to be the next Relief Society president for our ward. I knew it was coming, and not in a haughty kind of way...our current RS pres (to whom I am the 2nd counselor) is getting married this summer and she mentioned that Bishop wants to call a new president. I had a distinct feeling that it would be me, which feeling I had received before both of my previous callings to serve as Relief Society president, and also I had felt it before being called to train on the mission. I think it's to help me prepare myself and I see it as a great gift from the Spirit.

Bishop called me in, presented the calling, and I expressed my willingness to serve but hesitancy due to my desire for new scenery over the summer. I told him I would pray about it, talk to my parents, and let him know. 

He said, "I already know what you're going to say."
I responded--"You do?! Tell me, I'd love to know what I'm going to say."
"You're going to say yes."

I studied it out in my mind, talked to mom, and weighed out the options that stood before me. By staying in St. George for the summer, I'd be limiting my dating possibilities, passing up the chance to be part of an older scene and to see new places.

It struck me, though, that the Lord was asking me to do something for Him. And while I might not be the only person capable of fulfilling this calling--because goodness knows, there are plenty of other qualified girls--I was being asked to serve.

I really wanted to tell Bishop yes, but I was concerned about the things I would be giving up by doing so. Like seeing cute boys at church, for example... that is not a luxury I enjoy down here. Or like seeing boys my age. Or going on dates with boys. blah blah blah boys boys boys me me me. Finally, while talking to mom, it struck me.

It's not about me.

Serving in the church is never about us and usually comes with great sacrifice. It's not about what I would be losing by not moving to Provo (although, there was a really good looking Sunday School teacher when I visited the singles ward a few weeks ago. He was spiritual and yummy and I wouldn't mind staring at him every Sunday...). Rather, it is about how I can bless those around me. And if that is through the capacity of Relief Society president, then by golly, I'll do it. The issues I had, while valid and somewhat discouraging, would pale in comparison to the amazing sense of purpose and love that I feel when serving the women in Relief Society.

So, Bishop was right.

Now granted, I know that a calling is no reason to change my summer plans (which really were more of 'ideas' than 'plans'). And I know that someone else could easily do this job. And I also know that I could be useful by serving in a ward somewhere else. But at this time, I feel like this is where the Lord wants me. It was further driven home to me during the closing song of the fireside tonight:

Perhaps today there are loving words which Jesus would have me speak;

There may be now in the paths of sin some wand'rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if Thou wilt be my guide, though dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet, I'll say what you want me to say.

So trusting my all to thy tender care, (which I believe also includes my marital status) And knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere: I'll be what you want me to be.

And if to 'be what He wants me to be' means that I'll 'be' single for a little while longer, then I guess that's a thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray Rachel! You're so amazing. You're racking up major treasures in heaven. :)
