Saturday, June 27, 2015

Only in St George

At the dentist office. St. George has it kids, old folks, and polygamists. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

At the lake

A group of us went boating at Gunlock Reservoir. We wake boarded and climbed up some big rocks. Everyone else jumped off the big rocks, but I'm no dummy so I clearly didn't. Haha 

I got up on my first try wake boarding which was a Christmas miracle. The problem was that they only gave me directions on how to get up...once I was out of the water, I had no idea what to do. So I promptly fell back in the water. Time and time again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rock Climbing

We went rock climbing up in a small town called Central. Up there, it was a few degrees cooler. At nine in the morning, that means it was only 86 degrees instead of 90 degrees.

This is my buddy who takes me on climbing adventures. His name is Nick, or if you want to be formal, his whole name is Nicholas Bradford Wulfenstein Webb.  But I call him "The Wolf."

This was a climbing place just behind Dixie Rock. This time we went at 5 pm, so it was a wopping 105 outside and the rocks were so stinking hot. The spot to climb was the only part of the rock not in a shadow. 

I didn't get a picture of the wall we climbed, but it was hard for me; Nick practically had to hoist me up the mountain.

I am not even good at rock climbing, but it sure makes me feel cool to try. haha

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Last Will and Testament

Each of my siblings flashed through my mind as I was sure my end was near. So to show you how much I care for you, I left you each something heartfelt and meaningful.

Leaving this Garden of Eden

I was listening to the story of Adam and Eve a little while ago and it struck me that it had a few similarities and applications to my single life.

Adam and Eve had a super relaxed, cushy life in the Garden. No demands on their time. No real responsibilities. No one to think about but themselves. Sounds awesome right?! 


I mean, wrong. (supposedly...)

Then they realized that there is more to God's plan for them, so they eat the fruit and are cast out of their beautiful refuge of peace and tranquility, and now they have to struggle and work and wear clothes. They make covenants with God and understand there will be challenges, but the benefits of the opportunity to exercise faith, to learn to be like God, and to have children seems to outweigh the difficulties that mortality would bring. 

Here's how it applies to me.

Being single has some really wonderful aspects: I can really do whatever I want at any time of the day or night, I spend less than a hundred dollars on groceries each month, and my house stays as clean as I leave it. Demands on my time include going to the gym, meeting my friends for lunch, and the hours I spend shopping for swimsuits. Life is pretty cushy for me right now. 

However, like Adam and Eve, I need to realize that there is more to God's plan for me than lounging by the pool. And I do. But I am so intimidated by the idea of leaving this Garden of Eden that I maybe I have been dragging my feet and eliminating dating prospects that seem to threaten my independent lifestyle. ( "You want me to care about your well being? Then when will I have time to care about mine?!") I've become really comfortable in my Garden.

The lesson here is that the benefits of the opportunities to exercise my faith, to become closer to my Heavenly Father, and to start a family would greatly outweigh the difficulties of leaving behind my comfortable life and taking that scary step into the unknown. That is what this life is about, after all. Because, heaven knows, if this life was about owning too many clothes, staying up too late, and eating too many french fries, I'd have been translated ages ago.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Me and my mom

As any of my siblings know, the absolute worst thing you could do, in mom's eyes, is take a picture of her.

So I feel lucky that I got this cute one of us tonight. 


Friday, June 5, 2015

I didn't have a wart.

Well I had a thing growing on my face. It was a wart, but having a wart on your face sounds super gross, so I'm just saying that it wasn't a wart.

I went to the dermatologist and he froze off my "not-a-wart" with nitro glycerin. No... liquid nitrogen. Big difference.

 Fresh from the derma.


Extra yikes.

This all took place the day before I went on a fun trip to California. The dermatologist said it would look like I got a frying pan burn on my face. That's fine.

It's not a wart. Just got burned by a frying pan. Let's stick with that story.

My teacher friend suggested I wear a bandaid to hide it on my trip. Here's how that went...

After a few days and with some make-up, it didn't look so bad.

But let's face it...(face it-- get it?) everything looks better with curled hair, make up, and some good lighting.