Friday, June 5, 2015

I didn't have a wart.

Well I had a thing growing on my face. It was a wart, but having a wart on your face sounds super gross, so I'm just saying that it wasn't a wart.

I went to the dermatologist and he froze off my "not-a-wart" with nitro glycerin. No... liquid nitrogen. Big difference.

 Fresh from the derma.


Extra yikes.

This all took place the day before I went on a fun trip to California. The dermatologist said it would look like I got a frying pan burn on my face. That's fine.

It's not a wart. Just got burned by a frying pan. Let's stick with that story.

My teacher friend suggested I wear a bandaid to hide it on my trip. Here's how that went...

After a few days and with some make-up, it didn't look so bad.

But let's face it...(face it-- get it?) everything looks better with curled hair, make up, and some good lighting. 

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