Sunday, May 17, 2015

Clothing Challenge: Green Corduroy Jumper

Sometimes I intentionally buy ugly things. I think it's really fun to dress them up, make them cute, then sit back and let the compliments flow.

Today I wore a corduroy jumper that looked like it couldn't decide if it was maternity or for a toddler. And I made a video about it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cuatro de Mayo

In case you were wondering if it was my birthday was. 
And in case you were wondering if I have an awesome family and some pretty great friends....I do.

This was from our family party on Saturday.

I knew you were truffle when you walked in.

A fake blowing of candles.  According to the candles, I turned 6 this year.
Yeah...let's go with that.

The cutest nieces and nephews a gal could ask for. Who needs kids when you have other people's kids?
Okay actually I want kids.

For my birthday, mom bought me gold chunky necklaces and Katie got me a cute gold bracelet. I paired that with my gold watch, gold earrings, and a fat gold ring, and I was ready for a posh day at church.

My objective was to look like I belonged at a country club.

For my actual day of birth, my darling roommate Kenzie got me a maple log with candles to blow out. Again, apparently I'm just turning three. Or each candle stands for 9.33 years of life.

Bathroom blow out. Not the only one I had that day. April fools.

Guess what Eric got me? Eleven voicemails all with a different song that he sang and/or made up on the spot.

That night, we had a little get together at my friend's house and we ate birthday buns. Good thing calories don't count on your birthday. 
Since we didn't have candles, we just lit toothpicks. 

So it was a really great birthday. Twenty-eight could be my lucky lucky year to get famous on youtube, I mean. That was my birthday wish when I blew out the candles. 
Oh man, I just said it out loud!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

That's the Last Time I Pray for Courage

People say to be careful what you pray for. I have found it's true that when I'm praying for a Christlike attribute, it usually doesn't just decent upon me as the dews of heaven. Which means the Lord just isn't listening to the whole prayer. ( "... and please bless me with patience, but make it easy and make it quick.")

At my ripe old age of twenty-something, I'm still getting to know myself. And what I've learned about me lately is that I have oodles of fear and doodles of courage. ('Doodles' is the opposite of 'oodles'. Obviously.) So I've been praying for more courage; courage to talk to new people, make new friends, and get out of my comfort zone. 

Well the Lord answered me, and frankly after this, in my prayers I shall stick to two subjects: the weather and my health.

I got offered a job yesterday for a teacher position in the Canyons School District, to which I applied just on a whim during spring break. And when I say "whim" I mean it was the only job I applied for and I didn't even finish the application process of sending in letters of recommendation or even my resume because I got bored and decided it was too much work. But they called me, scheduled a phone interview (this school district is in the south Salt Lake area), and offered me a job when I went up to meet them in person this last Friday. 

Awesome, right?

Um, no.

You see, taking a job up north means I'll have to leave everything I'm familiar with here and I'll have to talk to new people, make new friends, and get out of my comfort zone. 

So once again, I don't think the Lord was completely listening to my prayers..."Father, help me to have courage, but don't make it too uncomfortable and don't even think about making me leave St. George."

So that may be the last time I pray for courage.