Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rock Climbing

We went rock climbing up in a small town called Central. Up there, it was a few degrees cooler. At nine in the morning, that means it was only 86 degrees instead of 90 degrees.

This is my buddy who takes me on climbing adventures. His name is Nick, or if you want to be formal, his whole name is Nicholas Bradford Wulfenstein Webb.  But I call him "The Wolf."

This was a climbing place just behind Dixie Rock. This time we went at 5 pm, so it was a wopping 105 outside and the rocks were so stinking hot. The spot to climb was the only part of the rock not in a shadow. 

I didn't get a picture of the wall we climbed, but it was hard for me; Nick practically had to hoist me up the mountain.

I am not even good at rock climbing, but it sure makes me feel cool to try. haha

1 comment:

  1. anytime you try rock climbing your cool factor increases by 10...percent. its a fact.
