Friday, April 22, 2016


12 Weeks

It seemed that things were bleak after a couple run-ins with the emergency room. However, I'm happy to report that things *lately have been great! I've been feeling mostly okay and only throwing up food instead of stomach bile! When I threw up the first time since after "the incidents" I was so scared, almost to tears. But when I felt it was chow mein, I was so excited. The first thing I said to Trent after coming out of the wretch-room (see what I did there?) was "GOOD NEWS!" He was not nearly as thrilled as I was.

A few days after the ER, we had our first appointment with our **midwife, Katie. She came highly recommended from a girl at work and just about everyone I've mentioned to that I'm seeing her knows her and have only said wonderful things.

We explained to her our recent plight with dehydration and she recommended I do "infusion therapy" at the IV clinic in the hospital here. It's pretty much getting the bag of fluids before I get dehydrated instead of after. It was great, I went twice. And I was calling to make an appointment for my third visit when I happened to ask how much it was costing each time I went. BAD NEWS. It's all the dollars to go. How about I just drink that liter of fluids for free instead of getting a ***second mortgage to have them injected.

So in conclusion. I'm feeling better these days. And hopefully as I'm coming out of this first trimester, I'll find I have more good days than bad.

*'Lately' equates to about ten days
**Katie is a certified nurse midwife who works under a doctor in a medical office attached to the hospital. She helps with any kind of delivery, which I love because while I feel like natural birth is beautiful and empowering, it also terrifies me. So I can birth my way. Essential oils in one hand and an epidural in the other.
***I'm not even sure what that phrase means. But I know it means things are bad.

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