Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Found: Long Lost Cousin

I guess something can't be "long lost" if you didn't even know it existed. But anyway.

So there I was in Sunday School when a new girl in the ward got up to introduce herself. She said her name was Jenn Soderborg. I immediately shot up from my seat (they are used to my outbursts...) and said "Soderborg? My mom is a Soderborg!"

Turns out, she's Uncle Grant's granddaughter. Her dad is James Soderborg, whom I have never met.

Small world, right? Some people do family search online. I do family search at church. 

Although maybe I would have known that she existed if I actually did family search...


  1. Technically, she's your first cousin once removed--in case you want to sound savvy when you talk to Aunt Jean. :)

  2. Was she born in Boston? We attended the baby blessing of someone in her parent's family back in the day.

  3. I remember that boston trip. I remember cousin Jimmy. How cool!

  4. ps. i love that dress, can i have it when you're tired of it?
