Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Deer Valley

So I went on a trip with my good friend Trent (and by 'good friend' I mean we're kind of dating) (and by 'kind of dating' I mean we are dating, I just like to make it sound not serious so no one gets excited because I have commitment issues and like to downplay relationships) up to Deer Valley with his family. 

He's from Kamas, which is up near Park City. It was like 20 degrees cooler than St. George and super pretty.

We rode in his uncle's rented convertible Camero.

 We rode a four wheeler up pretty trail.

We rode a ski lift up a mountain instead of hiking it.

We took this picture that looks like we hiked something, but you all know better than that.

It was a fun trip and I'd say that maybe I'll let Trent keep coming around. He's a nice guy.