Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rachel Moves to the City

For those of you just tuning in, I moved. 
And if this is your first time hearing about it, shame on ya.

I packed up all of my earthly belongings and drove up to Salt Lake. Of course, not everything fit in my small Mazda...and if you think all of my belongings would only take up a small sedan, you don't know me and shame on ya.

I'm sharing a room with my friend Abbey Hafen from St. George. This is our stuff piled in the room. 

I moved in a few weeks before her so I had some time to get things organized. And since I had no bed or dresser, I camped on the floor for about a week.

I had my strong, strapping nephews help me move a dresser and a book case.

Connor was working hard.

And Garren was hardly working.

This picture is just to show my incredible backing up job...i got this whole huge van in between the lines in this crowded parking lot! I'M A WOMAN.
Look at these hard working boys. So strong. So handsome. So good to their aunt.

So this is my room now. Pillows and duvet covers are courtesy of IKEA. Well...I guess I paid for them. So it was not much of a courtesy.

 So far, Salt Lake is fine. I'd say it's good, not great. I am intimidated by the crowds of people and I feel like it's just an unmanageable size for me. But regardless, I am happy with my roommates, my apartment, and....that's about it. Everything else, I'm working on loving. :) 

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