Thursday, September 17, 2015

Boyfriend of the Year Award

....And this years winner of the "Boyfriend of the Year" award goes tooooooooo....

Trent Peterson!

Trent snuck up from St George and surprised me after work to take me to dinner and the temple. I walked out of my school and BAM there he was! He had my roommate pack a dress for me to change into so we could just leave right from there. I was so surprised!...and horrified because of all the days for him to show up, this day I was in a sloppy ponytail and some baggy pants with raisins smeared on the cuffs. Not my cutest moment. But definitely one of my most excited moments.

 We ate at Texas Roadhouse -- I'm sure we ate half a raw cow each -- then went to the Timpanogos Temple, where we began slowly (and, in my case, loudly) digesting that heifer.

While sitting in the chapel, a worker came and asked us to be the witness couple. We told him we weren't married, but he said that didn't matter, and he felt led to ask us. So we agreed and really enjoyed that experience.

Afterwards, while sitting in the celestial room, where you can discuss the deepest and most sacred parts of the gospel, I had to secretly confess that the steak dinner was making it's way through my guts, and I had been holding in a toot the entire session. He didn't run away, so I think it's love.

1 comment:

  1. aw, that's good. and really if you can discuss digestion frankly, it's a good relationship.
